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Journals Papers

  1. D. Amirkhani, M. S. Allili, L. Hebbache, N. Hammouche and J. -F. Lapointe. Visual Concrete Bridge Defect Classification and Detection Using Deep Learning: A Systematic Review. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, accepted.
  2. Adama Nouboukpo, Mohamed Lamine Allaoui, Mohand Said Allili. Multi-scale Spatial Consistency  for Deep Semi-Supervised Skin Lesion Segmentation. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,  135: 108681, 2024.
  3. Loucif HebbacheDariush AmirkhaniMohand Saïd AlliliNadir HammoucheJean-François Lapointe. Leveraging Saliency in Single-Stage Multi-Label Concrete Defect Detection Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery. Remote Sensing, 15(5): 1218, 2023.
  4. Daniel YapiAdama NouboukpoMohand Saïd Allili. Mixture of multivariate generalized Gaussians for multi-band texture modeling and representation. Signal Processing, 209:109011, 2023.
  5. Nadjate SaidaniKamel AdiMohand Saïd Allili. A semantic-based classification approach for an enhanced spam detection. Computer Security,  94: 101716 (2020) 
  6. O. Ouyed and M.S. Allili. Groups-of-Features Relevance in Kernel Logistic Regression and Application to Human Interaction Recognition. Expert Systems with Applications, 148: 113247, 2020.
  7. L. Laib, M.S. Allili and S. Ait Aoudia. Multi-Modal Topic Model for Event-Based Image Classification and Annotation. Signal Processing: Image Communication , 76: 283-294, 2019. (PDF)
  8. D. Yapi, M.S. Allili and N. Baaziz. Fabric Defect Detection Using Learning-Based Local Textural Distributions in the Contourlet Domain. IEEE Trans. on Automation Science and Engineering, 15(3): 1014-1026, 2018. (PDF)
  9. M.S. Allili, N. Casemajor and A. Talbi. Multiple Image Copy Detection on the Web and Evolution Visualisation Using Tree Graphs. Multimedia Tools and Applications , 78(5): 6253-6275, 2019. (PDF)
  10. A. Boulmerka and M.S. Allili. Foreground Segmentation in Videos Combining General Gaussian Mixture Modeling and Spatial Information. IEEE Trans. on Circuits & Systems for Video Technology , 28(6): 1330-1345, 2018. (PDF)
  11. O. Ouyed and M.S. Allili. Feature Weighting for Multinomial Kernel Logistic Regression and Application to Action Recognition. Neurocomputing , 275: 1752-1768, 2018. (PDF)
  12. S. Bacha, M.S. Allili and N. Benblidia. Event Recognition in Photo Albums using Probabilistic Graphical Models and Feature Relevance. J. of Visual Communication and Image Representation, (40):546-558, 2016. (PDF)
  13. I. Filali, M.S. Allili and N. Benblidia. Multi-Scale Salient Object Detection in Images using Graph Ranking and Global-Local Saliency Refinement. Signal Processing: Image Communication (2016), (47):380-401, 2016. (PDF)
  14. M.S. Allili and D. Ziou. Likelihood-Based Feature Relevance for Figure-Ground Segmentation in Images and Videos. Neurocomputing, 167(11):658-670, 2015. (PDF)
  15. M.S. Allili, N. Baaziz and M. Mejri. Texture Modeling Using Contourlets and Finite Mixtures of Generalized Gaussian Distributions and Applications. IEEE Trans. on Multimedia , 16(3):772 -784, 2014. (PDF, Data)
  16. A. Boulmerka, M.S. Allili and S. Ait Aoudia. A Generalized Multiclass Histogram Thresholding Approach Based on Mixture Modeling. Pattern Recognition , 47(3):1330-1348, 2014. (PDF, , Data)
  17. M.S. Allili. Wavelet Modelling Using Finite Mixtures of Generalized Gaussian Distributions: Application to Texture Discrimination and Retrieval. IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 21(4):1452-1464, 2012. (PDF, DATA, CODE)
  18. M.S. Allili, D. Ziou, N. Bouguila and S. Boutemedjet. Image and Video Segmentation by Combining Unsupervised Generalized Gaussian Mixture Modeling and Feature Selection. IEEE Trans. on Circuits & Systems for Video Technology , 20(10):1373-1377, 2010. (PDF)
  19. D. Ziou, N. Bouguila, M.S. Allili and A. El-Zaart. Finite Gamma Mixture Modelling Using Minimum Message Length Inference:Application to SAR Image Analysis. Int’l J. of Remote Sensing, 30(3):771-792, 2009.
  20. M.S. Allili and D. Ziou. Object Contour Tracking in Videos Using Adaptive Mixture Models and Active Contours. Neurocomputing: Special Issue on Vision Research, 71(10-12):2001-2011, 2008. (PDF)
  21. M.S. Allili, N. Bouguila and D. Ziou. Finite General Gaussian Mixture Modelling and Application to Image and Video Foreground Segmentation. J. of Electronic Imaging , Vol. 17, No.013005, 1-13, January-March 2008. (PDF)
  22. M.S. Allili and D. Ziou. Globally Adaptive Region Information for Color-Texture Image Segmentation. Pattern Recognition Letters , 28(15):1946-1956, 2007. (PDF)
  23. M.S. Allili and D. Ziou. Active Contours for Video Object Tracking Using Region, Boundary and Shape Information. Signal, Image and Video Processing: Special Issue on Multi-Sensor Object Detection and Tracking, 1(2):101-117, 2007. (PDF)
  24. M.S. Allili and D. Ziou. Automatic Color-Texture Image Segmentation by Using Active Contours. Int’l J. of Computer Mathematics: Special Issue on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 84(9):1325-1338, 2007.
  25. M.S. Allili and D. Ziou. Automatic Change Detection and Updating of Topographic Databases by Using Satellite Imagery: A Level Set Approach. Geomatica (Canadian Institute of Geomatics CIG), 59(3):121-129, 2005.

Conference Papers

  1. O. Ouyed and M-S. Allili. Recognizing Human Interactions Using Group Feature Relevance in Multinomial Kernel Logistic Regression. Florida AI Research Society Conference: Uncertain Reasonning , 2018. (PDF)
  2. F. Audet, M-S. Allili et A-M. Cretu. Salient Object Detection in Images Using Objectness Clues in the RGBD color space. Int’l Conf. on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR), 247-255, 2017. (PDF)
  3. N. Saidani, K. Adi and M-S. Allili . A Supervised Approach for Spam Detection using Text-based Semantic Representation. Int’l MCETECH Conference on e-Technologies, 136-148, 2017. (PDF)
  4. M-S. Allili et S. Bacha. Feature Relevance in Bayesian Network Classifiers and Application to Image Event Recognition. Florida AI Research Society Conference: Uncertain Reasonning, 760-763, 2017. (PDF)
  5. S. Bacha, M.S.Allili and N. Benblidia. Event Recognition in Photo Albums Using Probabilistic Graphical Model and Feature Relevance . IEEE Int’l Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), (2016). (PDF)
  6. I. Filali, M.S. Allili and N. Benblidia. Multi-graph Based Salient Object Detection. Int’l Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR), 318-324, 2016. (PDF)
  7. A. Boulmerka and M.S. Allili. Background Modeling in Videos Revisited Using Finite Mixtures of Generalized Gaussians and Spatial Information. IEEE Int’l Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP), 3660-3664, 2015. (PDF)
  8. D. Yapi, M. Mejri, M.S. Allili and N. Baaziz. A Learning-Based Approach for Automatic Defect Detection in Textile Images. IFAC Symposium on Information Control in Manufacturing (INCOM), 2510-2515, 2015. (PDF)
  9. O. Ouyed and M.S. Allili. Feature Relevance for Kernel Logistic Regression and Application to Action Classification. IEEE Int’l Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 1325-1329, 2014. (PDF)
  10. A. Boulmerka and M.S. Allili. Thresholding-Based Segmentation Revisited Using Mixtures of Generalized Gaussian Distributions. IEEE Int’l Conf. on Pattern Recognition , 2894-2897, 2012. (PDF)
  11. G. Larivière and M.S. Allili. A Learning Probabilistic Approach for Object Segmentation. IEEE Canadian Conf. on Computer and Robot Vision , 28-94, 2012. (PDF)
  12. M.S. Allili and N. Baaziz. Contourlet-Based Texture Retrieval Using a Mixture of Generalized Gaussian Distributions. Int’l Conf. on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP) , LNCS 6855, 446-454, 2011. (PDF)
  13. P-J. Pedrocca and M.S. Allili. Real-Time People Detection in Videos Using Geometrical Features and Adaptive Boosting. Int’l Conf. on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR) , LNCS 6753, 314-324, 2011. (PDF)
  14. M. Allili, L. Donglei and M.S. Allili. A Digital Topology-Based Method for the Topological Filtering of a Reconstructed Surface. SPIE conf. on Visualisation and Data Analysis (VDA) , San Francisco, 7868-28, 2011.
  15. M.S. Allili. Wavelet-Based Texture Retrieval Using a Mixture of Generalized Gaussian Distributions. IEEE Int’l Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Istanbul, 3143-3146, 2010. (PDF)
  16. M.S. Allili, D. Ziou, N. Bouguila and S. Boutemedjet. Unsupervised Feature Selection and Learning for Image Segmentation. IEEE Canadian Conf. on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV) , Ottawa, 285-292, 2010. (PDF)
  17. M.S. Allili. < Effective Object Tracking by Matching Object and Background Models Using Active Contours. IEEE Int’l Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP) , Cairo, 873-876, 2009. (PDF)
  18. M.S. Allili. Object Contour Tracking Using Foreground and Background Distribution Matching. 14th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (CIARP) , Guadalajara, Springer LNCS 5856, 954-961. 2009. (PDF)
  19. M.S. Allili and D. Ziou. An Approach for Dynamic Combination of Region and Boundary Information in Segmentation. IEEE Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) , Florida, 1-4, 2008. (PDF)
  20. M.S. Allili and D. Ziou. Object of Interest segmentation and Tracking by Using Feature Selection and Active Contours. IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and pattern Recognition (CVPR) , Minnesota, 1-8, 2007. (PDF)
  21. M.S. Allili, N. Bouguila and D. Ziou. Finite Generalized Gaussian Mixture Modelling and Application to Image and Video Foreground Segmentation. Proc. of IEEE Canadian Conf. on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV) , Montreal, 183-190, 2007. (PDF
  22. M.S. Allili and D. Ziou. Adaptive Appearance Model for Object Contour Tracking in Videos. IEEE Canadian Conf. on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV): Workshop on Video Processing and Recognition, 510-518, 2007.
  23. M.S. Allili and D. Ziou. Object Contours Tracking in Video Sequences by Matching Finite Mixture Models. Proc. of IEEE Int’l Conf. on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS) , p. 35, Australia, 2006.
  24. M.S. Allili and D. Ziou. A Robust Video Object Tracking by Using Active Contours. Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and pattern Recognition Workshop (CVPRW), p. 135, New-York, 2006. (PDF)
  25. M.S. Allili and D. Ziou. Automatic Color-Texture Image Segmentation by Using Active Contours. IEEE Int’l Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Pattern Analysis/Synthesis , Springer LNCS 4153, 495-504, Xi’an (China), 2006. (PDF)
  26. M.S. Allili and D. Ziou. Change Detection by Using Active Contours Region Tracking: A Level Set Approach. IAPR/IEEE 4th Int’l Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing (In conjunction with ICPR) , 53-56, Hong-Kong, 2006.
  27. M.S. Allili and D. Ziou. A Bayesian Approach for Weighting Boundary and Region Information for Segmentation. Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS) , Springer LNCS 3708, 468-475, Belgium, 2005.
  28. M.S. Allili and D. Ziou. An Automatic Segmentation of Color Images by Using a Combination of Mixture Modelling and Adaptive Region Information: A Level Set Approach. IEEE Int’l Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP) , (I):305-308, Italy, 2005.
  29. M.S. Allili and D. Ziou. An Automatic Segmentation Combining Mixture Analysis and Adaptive Region Information: a Level Set Approach. IEEE Canadian Conf. on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV) , 73-80, Canada, 2005.
  30. M.S. Allili, D. Ziou and L. Bentabet. A Robust Level Set Approach for Image Segmentation and Statistical Modelling. Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS) , 243-251, Belgium, 2004.
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